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Meadowcroft Governing Body

Name Position Term of Office
Start Date/End Date
Paul Gibbs Chair of Governors
Co-Opted Governor

31.01.23 - 30.01.27

Daniel Willmore

Vice Chair of Governors
Chair of Resources Committee
Co-Opted Governor

31.01.23 - 30.01.27

Maxine Freeman

Chair of Children & Learning Committee
Co-Opted Governor

31.01.23 - 30.01.27

Iovana Moon

Staff Governor

02.07.21 - 01.07.25

Andy Vernall Co-Opted Governor 29.03.25 - 28.03.29

Karen Eastwood

Co-Opted Governor

20.04.22 - 19.04.26

Georgina Latham Parent Governor

08.05.21 - 07.05.25

Elizabeth Masters Parent Governor

30.11.23 - 29.11.27

Helen Pritchard Authority Governor

07.02.22 - 06.02.26

Jacky Underwood

Head Teacher

Lorraine Pocock

Clerk to the Governing Body

Full details of our Governing Body can be found in the documents below. If you require this in hard copy or would like any further information please contact Lorraine Pocock, Clerk to the Governing Body on 01932 561419 or email

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, Paul Gibbs, please email